Bringing Hope + Healing in Huntsville, ON

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10 years after her daughter was sexually abused by the babysitter, Christina MacBean wondered, if we were to go through the same thing now, would we have an easier time finding the help and support that our family needed?

Today, Christina is taking steps to discern how Jesus is asking her to be part of a response.

In partnership with New Ventures, the Central Canadian District and Sanctuary Church Muskoka Style, Christina will be intentionally exploring how to form a community that can respond to families in crisis as a New Venture Apprentice. Her hope is to help churches better equip themselves in both prevention and their response to families who are in crisis.

Part of her exploration is taking the form of a website she created called The Butterfly Project. Christina hopes for the site to be a source of helpful research and resources related to crisis intervention, prevention education, and advocacy and she is committed to updating it regularly.

Another big part of Christina’s journey was recently purchasing an 11 acre property in Huntsville. She has often dreamed to have a property through which to provide families the opportunity to stay in a respite cottage. Through a miraculous course of events she was able to purchase a dream property in October 2020 (you can read the full update on her blog). In the coming year, her apprenticeship will also involve doing research as to how best to develop it, hopefully to include an art studio, gardens, and greenhouses, all as part of the process of a healing journey for families.

Along with her ministry work and studies to complete a Master’s of Theological Studies in Counseling and Spiritual Care, Christina is also a visual artist specializing in oil painting and printmaking and has exhibited her work locally and internationally. She and her husband Mike and their two daughters recently moved to Huntsville to continue the pursuit of God’s calling on their lives.

Excited about the new things God is doing through Christina?

Here are some ways you can join her on mission.


Christina shares the following requests:

  • Thanks and praise to God for His provision of our 11 acres in Huntsville and for the partnerships we have already established, especially with Sanctuary Church Muskoka Style.

  • As The Butterfly Project continues to develop, pray that the learning we do will benefit others as we go along.

  • Having only been in Huntsville for a short time, please pray for the people we hope to meet in the community. Meeting people in the midst of COVID-19 is a challenge. Please pray for opportunities and that we will be sensitive to the prompting of the Spirit everywhere we go.

  • Pray for our mental and spiritual well being. This work involves a considerable amount of self-reflection and learning about some of the most painful realities of our broken world. We are vulnerable and need God’s strength and protection.


All donations received are processed through Canada Helps and will receive a tax receipt. The funds go directly to the New Venture Apprentice to be used toward their development and ministry needs.

Learn more

Visit Christina’s profile or subscribe to her blog.

Bethany Nickel