Advent Reflections: Joy

This Advent season, we are giving you the opportunity to learn with New Ventures leaders on the enduring themes of hope, joy, love, and peace. How is Jesus at work in different communities across Canada, sparking new dreams and a deeper embrace of God’s slowly incoming kingdom?

This week’s reflection is from Jason Peters, a New Venture leader in Winnipeg, MB.

My name is Jason and I am a part of a house church network in Manitoba. Well, this is probably a bit of an exaggeration but, Lord willing, it will become a large network of house churches as people come to faith in Christ and are discipled. I am married to Hannah, who has made my life and me better in every way. We have a 15-month-old daughter, who is the absolute cutest, as well as a 15-year-old foster son who loves anything to do with JDM cars.

Just over two years ago, we followed the call of God to plant churches as well as come alongside churches that were struggling or looking to change their focus; specifically, house or micro churches. This endeavour has had its challenges but has also been the greatest blessing to our family as we have been able to grow deep in our faith and deep in our relationships with others. For work, I am the Regional Director for Safe Families Canada, the Winnipeg Chapter, which is a Christian charity that works with families who are in crisis. Our volunteers surround families with caring, compassionate, community to help keep the children safe and families intact.

It is very apropos that I was asked to share a brief thought on joy for this Advent season as the past three and a half months have been crazy, filled with much happiness and also incredible heartache. On July 23, we took possession of our beautiful new home which, the previous owner sold to us at a $140,000 discount (this is a crazy story). The same day, Hannah went back to work after a year of maternity leave, and a month later we became the parents of a 14-year-old. Two weeks after that we learned that Hannah’s dad had a rare and progressed form of lung cancer and less than two months after that we mourned his passing and celebrated his life, now in the presence of his Lord.

To say that this season has had its challenges, with all the changes, would be an understatement, and yet I can honestly say that by the grace and presence of Christ in our lives, we are full of hope and have been able to experience profound thankfulness and joy in the midst of all of this. I have been so thankful for Psalm 51 throughout this season, in particular, verse 12 which says, “Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit” (ESV).

This has been a constant refrain for me over the years, but has had new meaning as we navigate life as working parents in a new community, with a 15-month-old and 15-year-old, and the loss of the most amazing husband, father and grandfather. Joy is not always something that bubbles up out of me, it is something I have to fight for. There have been many instances where my joy has been threatened over these past months, but it has not wavered as the Spirit has graciously answered my cry and constantly has reminded me of my salvation in and through Jesus Christ.

This Advent season, let us remind ourselves of who we are and whose we are, in Christ. In the midst of great blessing or deep heartache let us fight for true joy, as we fix our eyes on the God who, in the person of Jesus, entered into our pain and brokenness, who suffered with us and for us, that we may become the “children of God” (John 1:12). We are now, with Christ Himself (Ephesians 2:6) and we will remain with Him, moving from “glory to glory” (2 Corinthians 3:18) until we see Him face to face (1 Corinthians 13:12), and remain with Him there, forever and ever. There is always reason for joy, for those who are held in Jesus’ loving hands (John 10:28). Let us daily rely on Him to restore to us the joy of our salvation.

Encouraged by this reflection? Learn more about leaders who are dreaming of new things across Canada and find a New Venture to support this Christmas season.

Bethany Nickel