Rethinking Bi-vocational Ministry with Greg Musselman


We love this recent reflection from New Venture leader Greg Musselman who leads a New Venture called TheXchange in Owen Sound.

TheXchange is a research and development initiative of the Central Canadian District of the Alliance that intends to show the practical love of Jesus by resourcing local communities with centres that offer space for coworking, rentals, and life skill workshops.

"Then Paul left Athens and went to Corinth. There he became acquainted with a Jew named Aquila, born in Pontus, who had recently arrived from Italy with his wife, Priscilla. They had left Italy when Claudius Caesar deported all Jews from Rome. Paul lived and worked with them, for they were tentmakers just as he was. Each Sabbath found Paul at the synagogue, trying to convince the Jews and Greeks alike."  (Acts 18:1-4)

A simple search of the term “bi-vocational ministry” will give you something like this: "a pastor who must take a job outside their ministry to supplement their livelihood."

Paul's work of tentmaking is often viewed in this way: a necessary financial supplement to his ministry work of teaching, leader development, evangelism. God has used my experience over the past few years in my role as the Director of the Xchange to challenge me to rethink this common view of Paul's tentmaking work. What if tentmaking was just as much ministry for Paul as his speaking in the synagogue?

Tentmaking created crucial relational connection points for Paul with his community. In addition it provided income for Paul to steward for Christ (a related but different conversation).  In the verses that follow, we discover a couple named Priscilla and Aquila who move from acquaintances to co-workers in the ministry of Jesus. 

My part-time role at TheXchange has become tentmaking work for me. Not in the bi-vocational sense described in my opening sentence, but as a crucial relational connection point with my community. Through this role I connect daily with tenants, neighbouring businesses, community volunteers, community social workers and their clients, artists, entrepreneurs, students, educators and professionals.  I regularly have the privilege of learning their stories, resourcing the work of others and often connecting their lives with the love of Jesus.  Many of these once acquaintances have become friends, and some have even become Priscillas and Aquilas, joining me as co-workers in the ministry of Jesus!

It's important all of us see our work in the way I believe Paul did.  As ministry, crucial relational connection points to build into the lives of others, to share Jesus with others. 

Learn more about TheXchange Owen Sound on their website.

Bethany Nickel