Summer Invitation Series: Recognize Rural Realities

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For this week’s summer invitation, we’re inviting you to recognize rural realities.

It’s easy to believe the narrative that cities constitute the place of highest need when it comes to church planting in Canada. However, when it comes down to a purely statistical level, that just may not be the case.

This week, we’re encouraging you to watch this video from Alliance leader Kendall Schmitke who is tuned into the heartbeat of rural realities here in Canada. Would you prayerfully consider whether there is a next step you can take to encourage ministry in these settings? Maybe it begins with a shift in how you talk about rural vs. urban ministry. Maybe it’s a commitment to spend some time somewhere rural or investigate more about areas around you!

Welcome to summer invitations. As we disengage from formal ministry commitments, summer can be a time to build a reading list, seek new voices, and be refreshed. Especially as pandemic restrictions lift, our heart is to help you get out there and rediscover Canada as we continue in our mission of hopeful engagement with the church and our Canadian context. Each week we will be sharing a simple summer invitation to help you see Canada in a fresh way.

Encouraged by this prompt? Learn more about leaders who are dreaming of new things across Canada and find a New Venture to support.

Bethany Nickel