An unexpected communion service
LIGHTS manitoba is a New Venture in Southern Manitoba. Led by Henry Dueck, its mission is to empower musicians and artists in the area to multiply small gatherings that love and follow Jesus, the light of the world.
We recently caught up with Henry and were so encouraged by his account of LIGHTS manitoba’s recent communion service. He shared the following:
“This month we celebrated our first communion together as a house church. It came together so organically. As we were getting ready for our lunch together, a young adult was talking about how he had gone to a get-together the night before and had brought a bottle of wine to contribute, but didn't end up needing it.
The topic of conversation turned to communion. He remembered that along with the unopened wine, he also had a fresh loaf of French bread in his vehicle. He exclaimed, "I didn't even realize that I brought everything we need for communion!"
Excitedly, he went and prepped the bread and got everything ready [including juice for the younger ones]. After our shared meal, which is how we always start house church, we read the passage on communion in 1 Corinthians and explained it to everyone. This included another high school student who had not grown up in church, and had no concept of what communion was.
It was a beautiful experience. And the picture of us all sitting there around the table was the closest thing to the actual description of communion in the Bible that I have ever experienced!”
This story highlights the real joy fostered when we make room for the Holy Spirit’s promptings, and when we gather around the communion table. We want to celebrate these unexpected moments of holiness, worship and intimacy in community. What a gift to hear about New Ventures like LIGHTS manitoba, that beautifully embody life and fellowship around the table!
Henry asks you to pray for LIGHTS manitoba:
Praise God especially for the young hearts that are being set on fire for him! They are falling in love with Jesus!
Pray that they would continue to invite their friends, as they have already begun to do.
Pray for the university students that will return to the Manitou area this spring/ summer and are invited to house church, and for the young leaders in our group that have a heart to reach their friends.
Pray that God would give the team wisdom about initiatives and partnerships to pursue.
To learn more about LIGHTS manitoba and how you can join them on mission, visit the New Venture’s profile HERE.
The makings of a beautiful communion service!