Why Church? Making Sense of the Mess and the Mystery.
What’s the church all about? Why does God gather his people this way? Can we really speak of “mystery” in a postmodern age? And what do we do when the church messes up?
Three Canadian pastors from three different churches in Ontario and Quebec are exploring these questions together in a six-part series. Access the videos here:
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Recent stories
In this new year, we’re excited about what God is going to do in and through New Ventures. Before moving forward, it’s important to reflect on the Lord’s faithfulness! In Joshua chapter 4, Scripture tells us that after the Israelites crossed the Jordan River they set up an altar of remembrance.
Before we move forward, let’s pause to give thanks. Like those who have gone before us, let’s take a moment to reflect together on all that God has done in and through New Ventures in 2024.
Written by Sarah Martin
Lead Team Member | @thejourneydundas
On June 20th , 2021, we had a video call with some close friends of ours. They live about an hour away, but they are close spiritual friends that we call to share and pray together ...
This Fall, four districts hosted their district retreats within their respective regions.
Last month, New Ventures Implementers from every district came together in Montreal for their annual gathering.
Over this past month, 33 people set aside a few days to discern God’s calling for them and for the church in Canada, in small groups across three Alliance districts, through Pursue Clarity.
Celebrating stories and moments from New Ventures across the country who have been on this journey of learning and discovery within their communities!
Over the years, we’ve been so thankful to be able to see many New Ventures become churches. We celebrate God’s faithfulness in how he is working! Recently, there have been five churches established across Canada, with almost one in each district.
Celebrate with us all that God has done in 2023! Here are some of the new things he is doing as he builds his Church in Canada.
Howard Jolly, the executive director of the First Nations Alliance Churches of Canada (FNACC), visits the residential school his brothers lived in, and reflects on reconciliation and mercy.
For National Indigenous History Month, a New Venture Apprentice shares about his experience in a First Nation community in Northern Ontario.
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Are you or your church excited about what Jesus is doing in Canada?
We’d love to answer some of your questions and help you take your next steps.