Summer Invitation Series: Check in on your listening and learning journey

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For this week’s summer invitation, we’re inviting you to check in on your listening and learning journey.

During last week's Pursue Clarity retreat (a New Venture Apprenticeship experience with leaders from across Canada who are dreaming about being the church in fresh ways), we had the opportunity to chat about how we're doing when it comes to relating to First Nations people in our communities. We recognized that though Canada's complicated history has been on the front burner this summer, we still have a long road ahead of us in the journey of reconciliation. As we continue to learn alongside Indigenous leaders and friends, the value of friendship and continued learning emerged as themes.

So this week, we're inviting you to check in on your learning and relating journey. Have you taken some time to look up the name of the territory you’re living on? Do you know a bit about the people who lived in the area before you did? Have you investigated opportunities to build relationships with First Nations people in your area, such as a local Friendship Centre?

As a bonus, check out this short podcast conversation from Christianity Today: Why Some Indigenous Christians Still Have Hope in the Church

Welcome to summer invitations. As we disengage from formal ministry commitments, summer can be a time to build a reading list, seek new voices, and be refreshed. Especially as pandemic restrictions lift, our heart is to help you get out there and rediscover Canada as we continue in our mission of hopeful engagement with the church and our Canadian context. Each week we will be sharing a simple summer invitation to help you see Canada in a fresh way.

Encouraged by this prompt? Learn more about leaders who are dreaming of new things across Canada and find a New Venture to support.

Bethany Nickel