Summer Invitation Series: Rediscover Humility

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For this week’s summer invitation, we’re inviting you to rediscover humility.

Here’s a quote to ponder from Indigenous Alliance leader Ray Aldred, a status Cree from Swan River Band, Treaty 8:

The church tends to think that it is complete⏤that we don’t have any need of anyone else, but we have this mission to bring to others... I have found it helpful to consider that according to the spirituality of Indigenous people, I am incomplete. I have a very limited perspective and I need more people and other ways of understanding. I need other people to teach me. This should produce humility.

(For a great conversation with Ray on what we can learn from Indigenous storytelling techniques, download this podcast to listen to later!)

Question to consider: What is an area I’ve been stuck around in my thinking lately? Who is there in my life that I can invite to teach me in a fresh way?

*Tip: If there isn’t someone physically present, consider listening via podcast or book to a voice that is outside your usual bubble.

A prayer: Oh God who loves to surprise us, I confess that I tend to think I have all the answers. Help me understand myself as incomplete. Help me see the limits of my perspective. Use other voices in my life to widen my view on how and where your kingdom is coming in Canada.

Welcome to summer invitations. As we disengage from formal ministry commitments, summer can be a time to build a reading list, seek new voices, and be refreshed. Especially as pandemic restrictions lift, our heart is to help you get out there and rediscover Canada as we continue in our mission of hopeful engagement with the church and our Canadian context. Each week we will be sharing a simple summer invitation to help you see Canada in a fresh way.

Encouraged by this prompt? Learn more about leaders who are dreaming of new things across Canada and find a New Venture to support.

Bethany Nickel