Summer Invitation Series: Rest

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For our final invitation in this summer series, we’re inviting you to rest.

As we continue to dream big for Canada, it’s important to practice resting in a God who provides sunshine, food, bodies, friends⏤a God who continues to build His church even while we rest. As Psalm 127:2 reminds us, “In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat— for he grants sleep to those he loves.” So, take a hike, dance in the kitchen, pick some flowers. Recover a childlike sense of rest in these final weeks of summer.

Did you enjoy our summer invitation series? You can take a look back at all of our posts by looking back through our blog. Otherwise, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter as we head into the fall months to stay updated on the new things God is doing through the Alliance in Canada.

Bethany Nickel