New Waters S4 | Episode 4

There are two words that seem to get a lot of attention these days and it feels like we’re talking about them more than ever: acceptance and belonging.

Join Vijay and Dom as they unpack the differences between the two, discuss healthy spiritual practices and explore the radical acceptance of Jesus which leads to a transformed life in community together.

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New Waters S4 | Episode 3

There are so many ideas and definitions of what the Church is and what it should be. As followers of Jesus it is more important than ever that we clarify existing thoughts and establish new language as we ask the question: what does it mean to be the Church in a sea of change?

 Join Vijay and Dom as they kick off season 4 by discussing church/culture climate, institutional structures, and how the mystery of God and his Church draw people together.

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New Waters S4 | Episode 2

There are so many ideas and definitions of what the Church is and what it should be. As followers of Jesus it is more important than ever that we clarify existing thoughts and establish new language as we ask the question: what does it mean to be the Church in a sea of change?

 Join Vijay and Dom as they kick off season 4 by discussing church/culture climate, institutional structures, and how the mystery of God and his Church draw people together.

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New Waters S4 | Episode 1

There are so many ideas and definitions of what the Church is and what it should be. As followers of Jesus it is more important than ever that we clarify existing thoughts and establish new language as we ask the question: what does it mean to be the Church in a sea of change?

 Join Vijay and Dom as they kick off season 4 by discussing church/culture climate, institutional structures, and how the mystery of God and his Church draw people together.

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New Waters S3 | Episode 6

“World peace” is often thought of as a far-fetched aspiration tacked on to a beauty pageant contestant’s list of hopes for the world, but does it need to be that way? When Jesus promised His followers a kind of peace that the world can’t give, what did He actually mean? For the Canadian church in particular, how do we ensure that our reputation as a peaceful people doesn’t prevent us from receiving the powerful kind of peace that Jesus offers?

In this episode, Sonia leads the New Waters cast through an inspiring conversation on what it means to be people of peace. Together they discuss not only how to become individuals but a church where people can encounter a kind of peace they have never seen before.

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New Waters S3 | Episode 5

The Bible may be too obvious of an anchor point when we talk about what keeps us grounded as Christians. However, while some have a rich relationship with Scripture, many people do not feel at ease reading the Bible for themselves. In recent times, perhaps surprisingly, Bible reading was at an all-time low thanks to the pandemic. So, how do we actually talk about the importance of Scripture in the Christian life today?

In this episode of the New Waters podcast, Sonia leads the cast through an animated conversation about how to discover and remember the complexity and richness of the Christian Bible. The cast discuss questions like how can Scripture be considered accessible to everyone, and what is the value and role of trained teachers? Together they home in on our responsibility as leaders to help people build an appetite for an experiential, rich engagement with God’s Word.

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New Waters S3 | Episode 4

Whether it’s images in stained glass windows or people described in ancient texts, the idea of “saints” and “prophets” tends to conjure up some obscure religious imagery. But the truth is, both are essential to discerning our place in God’s work in the world today.

In this conversation on the New Waters podcast, Alicia Wilson leads the cast through a discussion about the role and value of voices from unexpected and forgotten places. The cast discusses discernment, the importance of community, and the question of how saints and prophets can help us to stay anchored in God’s work in the world past, present and future.

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New Waters S3 | Episode 3

In the past few years, we have seen a number of high profile church and faith leaders fall or tap out. Is this happening more frequently or is it simply highlighted because of social media? What factors in church ministry or our cultural environment make leaders more vulnerable to unwise choices? The cost of falling is so high⏤we can't afford not to have this conversation.

In this episode, Vijay Krishnan leads the Season 3 cast through a discussion about vulnerability, the dangers of pedestals, and how to create a healthy sense of mutuality in leadership.

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New Waters S3 | Episode 2

When we face seasons of uncertainty in our own lives or as leaders, our tendency can be to swing between over-reacting (think: seizing control, planning, and a stack of Post-Its) and under-reacting (think: apathy, naive optimism, and an extra nap).

In this episode, Josie Vance artfully leads our Season 3 cast through a conversation about how to land in the middle of these two extremes with shared stories, Biblical reflection, and dialogue around the profound practice of simplicity.

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New Waters S3 | Episode 1

A global pandemic, the US elections, the Black Lives Matter movement, postmodern frames, deconstruction and reconstruction… it’s more evident today than ever that shift happens. Join our Season 3 cast as they discuss these topics and what it looks like to stay anchored to Jesus, no matter what changes we face.

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New Waters S2 | Episode 6

In this episode—using Generation Z has a conversation starter—the New Waters cast explore such topics as generational & developmental divides, the limitations of cultural analysis, the power of presence & Jesus’ ability to “bridge” any person, people group or demographic to Himself.

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New Waters S2 | Episode 5

In this episode—using Generation Z has a conversation starter—the New Waters cast explore such topics as generational & developmental divides, the limitations of cultural analysis, the power of presence & Jesus’ ability to “bridge” any person, people group or demographic to Himself.

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Regan Neudorf Comment
New Waters S2 | Episode 4

In this episode—using Generation Z has a conversation starter—the New Waters cast explore such topics as generational & developmental divides, the limitations of cultural analysis, the power of presence & Jesus’ ability to “bridge” any person, people group or demographic to Himself.

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Regan NeudorfComment
New Waters S2 | Episode 3

In this episode, we explore the grand narrative and cosmic implications of the Gospel through the following lens:

God is restoring all things including you and me!

With thoughtfulness and vulnerability, our Season 2 cast members confess where mis-framed views have affected how they personally follow Jesus and their ability to disciple others. They also consider the implications of a more involved and expansive understanding of the Gospel and its effect on the Canadian Church's ability to navigate the future.

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Regan NeudorfComment
New Waters S2 | Episode 2

Every generation of the church has asked similar questions, it just happens to be our turn. What can we learn from historical missteps and genuine moves of the Holy Spirit? What does revival and renewal look like in Canada as we navigate faith and the future? Join the conversation as Raja, Dom, Lydia, Rob, Milissa and Nathan share from personal experience and consider significant moments and movements throughout history that have shaped how the church responds to culture and change.

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Regan NeudorfComment
New Waters S2 | Episode 1

Welcome back to Season 2 of the New Waters podcast! We’re kicking off a new season looking at navigating faith and the future in a sea of change. Our hope is that this initial conversation will help you become aware of how your own vantage point when it comes to the future, and be inspired to grow in a helpful way. Listen in as topics range from the hopeful, Jetsons-inspired optimism of childhood, to questions of what it means to be successful as followers of Jesus, to a deep discussion around what it means to become people of character.

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Bethany NickelComment
New Waters S1 | Bonus Episode 2

In this bonus episode, we’re taking a deeper dive into some of the topics explored in Season 1. We're sharing some outtakes, side conversations, and even additional ideas and observations that for many different reasons didn't make the final cut of Episodes 2-6. So if you haven't listened to those episodes yet or missed a couple along the way, we highly recommend going to check them out first. We hope you can take some time to listen in and continue these conversations in your own circle—and pray that the Spirit uses this learning time to shape your involvement in Jesus’ mission in Canada!

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Bethany NickelComment
New Waters S1 | Bonus Episode

The themes of this bonus episode revolve around how the church engages with culture. What are some best practices when it comes to the church’s role in culture? Where has the church been most effective throughout our history? What did Jesus seem to recommend? Whether it’s hope-filled optimism or fear-driven hiding out until Jesus comes again, every church has to choose how to engage with the culture we find ourselves in. Listen in and continue the conversation in your own circle.

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Bethany Nickel Comments
New Waters S1 | Episode 6

We live in a spiritually-charged culture. From TV shows to mindfulness apps, the idea of spirituality is no longer a foreign topic, but deeply embedded in everyday life. This presents a unique and challenging environment for the Christian faith. How do Christians make sense of speaking about being Spirit-led in a post-religious world? How does Christian spirituality set us apart in this pluralistic landscape? How can we effectively respond to the haunting that we encounter in the lives of our friends and neighbours? In the sixth and final episode of the New Waters podcast, our participants dive into  themes of spirituality, pluralism and secularism as the church advances into a religious landscape we’ve never seen before. Listen in and continue this important conversation in your own context.

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Bethany Nickel
New Waters S1 | Episode 5

Discipleship isn’t just a Christian thing, but a human thing. We all surround ourselves with the things and people we want to be like. In other words, we are “discipled” by what we are closest to. So, for a Christian, what does keeping close to Jesus look like in this cultural moment? What is the role of spiritual disciplines? Are we in a discipleship crisis and what exactly is the problem? And, where exactly are we heading? In the fifth episode of the New Waters podcast, our participants present and discuss their experiences with discipleship. Listen in and continue the conversation in your own context.

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Bethany Nickel